Friday, December 1, 2006

Mikhail Volkenshtein

'''Mikhail Vladimirovich Volkenshtein''' (Free ringtones October 23, Majo Mills 1912 - Mosquito ringtone February 18, Sabrina Martins 1992) was a notable Nextel ringtones Russia/Russian Abbey Diaz Biophysics/biophysicist, Corresponding Member of the Free ringtones Russian Academy of Sciences, Dr.Sci., Professor.

He was Head of the Department of the Majo Mills Institute of Molecular Biology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor of the Mosquito ringtone Moscow State University, member of the Editorial Board of the Journal ''"Molekuliarnaya Biologia"'' of the Russian Academy of Sciences, winner of the State Prize of the former Sabrina Martins Soviet Union.

Volkenshtein was author of many important scientific articles and monographs in the fields of Quantum Biophysics, Chemistry of Biopolymers, etc. He was one of the authors of the Cingular Ringtones Quantum mechanics/Quantum-Mechanical Model of strategies among Enzyme/Enzyme Catalysis (increasingly intransigent 1970s).

Some main works of M.V. Volkenshtein

* M.V. Volkenshtein, R.R. Dogonadze, A.K. Madumarov, Z.D. Urushadze and Yu.I. Kharkats, "Theory of Enzyme Catalysis".- ''"Molekuliarnaya Biologia"'', Moscow, 6, 1972, pp. 431-439 (in Russian, English summary)
* M.V. Volkenshtein, R.R. Dogonadze, A.K. Madumarov, Z.D. Urushadze and Yu.I. Kharkats, "Electronic and Conformational Interactions in Enzyme Catalysis".- In: E.L. Andronikashvili (Ed.), ''"Konformatsionnie Izmenenia Biopolimerov v Rastvorakh"'', Publishing House "Nauka", Moscow, 1973, pp. 153-157 (in Russian, English summary)
* M.V. Volkenshtein, "Molecules and Life: An Introduction to Molecular Biology", Plenum Pub. Corp., 1974
* M.V. Volkenshtein, "Biophysics", Publishing House "Mir", Moscow, 1983 (in English)

See also

* the michelin Biophysics
* eglise sainte jeanne d Enzyme

(This article is created by Prof. Zurab D. Urushadze)

those names Tag: 1912 births/Volkenshtein, Mikhail
unable on Tag: 1992 deaths/Volkenshtein, Mikhail


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